Sunday, May 03, 2009

A Much Needed Recycling Event!

Parker Towne Center
Electronics Recycling Event

Metro Brokers/Colorado Dream Properties is proud to host
a much needed event for the Parker area!

Get a new flat screen TV or monitor this Christmas?

Old computer sitting in your basement because you don't want to pollute the earth and toss it in a landfill?

Bring in your old electronics and do the right thing-Recycle them! It's not a free event but it's still better than the alternative!

When: Saturday, May 9th from 10AM to 2PM

What we will collect and the cost per item:

Computer monitors/TV’s under 20”, all laptops: $10
Computer monitors/TV’s over 20”: $20

Computer CPU’s, printers, fax machines,
Scanners, copy machines, typewriters: $8

Small Electronics: $5

What we will not collect: Kitchen appliances, washer/dryers etc.

Where: 11355 S. Parker Road, Suite 101, Parker, CO 80134

Guaranteed Recycling Experts (GRX) is partnering with us to collect and recycle everything collected. The company’s goal is to ensure that 100% of the e-waste it handles is actually recycled into raw materials for use in the manufacture of new products. This means that GRX:

-Recycles all the equipment it collects (no refurbishment/re-sales) and issue Electronics Disposal Compliance Certificates to customers
-Destroys all hard drive and storage devices and issues Certificates of Destruction to customers
-Does NOT export any hazardous waste material to developing countries
-Does NOT landfill or incinerate any hazardous waste material
-Rejects practice of exploiting low-wage prison labor in its demanufacturing operations

Go to for more information.

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