Monday, December 15, 2008

Some Sellers Are Delusional!

Sellers have a hard time acknowledging their home is not immune to the shrinking prices we are seeing! Yes, in every price point it seems! Homeowners must look at the larger financial picture because keeping a home on the market at an inflated price could wind up costing more.

How realistic are you?

In this market, was it really a bargain or was the friend just being realistic about the market? If, as is predicted, the Denver market sees more foreclosures and the buyers still aren’t taking the leap, then the home that sold for what is perceived as a bargain price today, may just be considered a high price in 2-3 months!

If you bought any property in 2005 or later, DO NOT assume that it has gone up in price! Parker is doing better than most areas, but it hasn't gone up even 10% in that total 3 year time frame generally.

All of these properties in these fancy magazines just make our heads swim. There cannot be that many 2 million dollar homes in Denver! Its just impossible that there are that many people that can afford that. In Parker Colorado, Franktown and Elizabeth Colorado, there are 28 properties homes over 2 million. Come on people take the bag off of your head!

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