Saturday, November 22, 2008

With Mortgages Timing is Everything!

Here is an historical look at interest rates in the last 5 years. Going from over 7% down to under 5.5% in 2002/2003 really heated things up in the real estate business. I remember that time well. All of the Realtors in Parker were screaming "take advantage of the low rates!" but when the rates lower everyone always thinks they will continue to drop. That is human nature. The trick is to ACT when the timing works for you, because just as rates fall, rates rise too. There were only 4 times that you could get around 5.5% interest rate financing. So where were you at these key times? The next time you see 5.5% you should be BUYING HOMES (let's hope you see it at all!) Homes in Parker Colorado are affordable right now too, regardless of interest rates. Its like 2004 pricing all over again!

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